Thursday, May 19, 2011

Black Dahlia

I've always been intrigued by murder cases just because I've always wondered what went through the minds of these criminals when something gruesome and extreme goes down. The Black Dahlia is one of the craziest murder cases that I've read on in Hollywood.

The case on Beth Short about 64 years back has been an unsolved mystery until now. She was a young woman at the time aspiring to be an actress trying to hit it big in Hollywood. Instead she's found ripped apart like a rag doll in an empty parking lot. There has been talks about her body being sodomized before she was killed. Her face was ripped from ear to ear. Chunks of her body were removed and then stuffed into her genitals. It's just such a sad, sad story. No one deserves to be killed, let alone be killed this way. It's so gruesome and just so disturbing. Just reading about her story gives me the chills. Sometimes I just wonder what could've gotten into the person's mind that drove the person to do this to her.

I'll be adding pictures now.. hopefully you can stomach it. All images are courtesy of Google Images.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Zombie Boy

Alright I must say even when I was younger I've always been intrigued by tattoos. I've got a couple myself, but nothing extreme. I've always found that the people that have a bunch of tattoos usually have a story behind each piece of art that they've gotten on their body. It wasn't until recently that I read about Zombie Boy. Even when I found extreme tattooing or body modifications interesting I always found that it's only interesting to me from an a different standpoint. I'm really not that adventurous or curious to trying new things, but reading and studying about something is definitely my thing. 

I'm not a big big fan of extreme body modifications because I always think that it hurts and I know that I'll never fully understand the appreciation and that the people that do this go through. I'll never understand mentally how they feel about extreme mods. Anyway, like I was saying I ran across an article about Zombie Boy. Usually when I see people who are extremely tattooed I think to myself "Ouch how painful!". However, that's not what I thought about this guy. His tattoos came off really interesting and his article made me want to find out more about him. 

I don't know what it is about this guy, but there's something about him that I find completely irresistibly sexy. I find that whoever did his tattoos did an amazing job with all the details. It's so clean and it matches him completely. It's almost like this is exactly his calling and who he's suppose to be. I suppose some people would say that this is lunacy and he's probably doing this for attention, but honestly I think he's beautiful this way. It's not everyday you can wake up as a work of art in your own skin, in your own mind, in your own body. 

Btw all these images were courtesy of Google Images

Dermatographia Urticaria

I remember on my personal blog I wrote a post when my allergies had gotten the best of me. For most people allergies are normal whether it'd be rashes, food allergies, environment, animals, etc.. However, how would you react if you went in to get professionally checked and your allergist told you that you were allergic to your environment. Aside from my various food allergies and allergies to animals that I pretty much couldn't do anything about the situation. I also had a sinus problem that contributes to my daily allergies. A lot of people had asked me why I don't carry an epiphen around an I'm not sure if it's because I never asked for one, or because the Dr. just didn't think that my case was that bad. I remember when I was younger I went in for a skin test and that was how my Dr. at the time determined what I was badly allergic to. It wasn't until a couple years back seeing a different specialist when he diagnosed me with Dermatographia Urticaria.

He told me that it was ridiculous that the other specialist didn't run a blood test and didn't diagnose me any earlier. On top of what my allergies already were Dermatographia is only present in about 4-5% of the population which makes it fairly rare. It means that my skin is sensitive to almost anything that anything that lightly scratches me my skin will raise. Now I've never heard of this before, but I can even film a little clip that when you take a toothpick and scrape my skin a huge hive will form. The hive doesn't swell down for about 8 hours or more. On top of my allergies it sucks because on the daily I wake up with hives at times I'll get swollen lips, hands, and feet. It's not a pretty sight. Apart from being completely itchy and the swelling that's pretty much the only thing that makes me uncomfortable. I've tried different forms and types of treatment that has yet to help and there's really not much I could do for it to go away. To me it's a strange condition because even if it affects my breathing from time to time I guess you can say it's manageable. Though I'm not going to lie it affects my social life because when this starts to act up I'd rather go home or be home. I'd rather keep away from everyone because it makes me feel like a monster. My whole body becomes this giant swollen hive, it's pretty ugly. 

Here are some examples of Dermatographia Urticaria. Btw, the reason why I get bad allergies is apart from this condition I am highly allergic to the environment I live in. I'm also allergic to almost everything I eat. It's seriously a huge pain in the ass.

Both images are courtesy of Google Images

In my case it's far worst than this and you can only imagine how uncomfortable this can get. I just wanted to share this because apart this from being a strange condition there really isn't quite an explanation as to why my skin is this sensitive. I think next time I get really bad breakouts I'll document it and show you guys how bad it is for me. 

Friday, May 13, 2011


I wanted to write about things that I find interesting, strange, weird, out of the ordinary. This site wasn't made to offend anyone in anyway.

I called the site Franken Weird because I've always loved the movie Frankenstein from 1931. I think my fascination with weird started from watching this movie when I was much younger. My grandfather would stay up with me watching movies like this. Now not to say that I have a mind for SCI-FI, but I do have an appreciation for things out of the ordinary. Don't get me wrong I'm fairly normal (what's really normal now-a-days, right?) I just wanted to share what I found different to me that could be interesting whether it'd be art, movies, people, etc. Join me on my little fascination with what I find different and interesting online.